🌐 Website: http://astromean.com

📧 Email: [email protected]


World is innovating too fast, but our school system is stuck in the past. Although, new courses are introduced in schools, the process and infrastructure are not upgraded enough to provide the top quality education that the newer generation need and deserve to solve the unprecedented problems and adapt to the fastest ever changing world.


At AstroMean, our vision is to revolutionize the education system to keep pace with current advancements and innovations. We believe in the power of education to transform lives, and we are committed to creating a learning environment that is both digitally advanced and physically engaging.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build a comprehensive school system that integrates cutting-edge digital tools with a tangible, real-world experience. By doing so, we aim to provide students with a well-rounded education that prepares them for the future.

Our Four-Phase Plan

Phase 1: Building a Learning System

In the first phase, we are focused on developing a robust and effective learning system. This system will serve as the foundation for all subsequent phases, ensuring that our educational content is engaging, interactive, and easily accessible.

We have named the project in phase 1 : Jelly

Visit Jelly at: http://jelly.astromean.com

Request a demo of Jelly at: [email protected]

Phase 2: Online School System in a Virtual World

The second phase involves creating a fully functional online school system within a virtual world. This innovative approach aims to improve interaction between students during digital learning, especially outside of lecture hours. By leveraging the immersive capabilities of virtual environments, we will facilitate dynamic interactions, collaborative projects, and social engagement among students. This virtual world will not only make learning more exciting but also foster a sense of community and connection that is often missing in traditional online education.